“A thousand roads lead men forever to Rome”; Alain de Lille, 1175

All content © Roman Roads Research Association 2016, all rights reserved; unless otherwise stated.

 a charity registered in England & Wales, no  1163854.


The Journal of the RRRA


DAVID RATLEDGE, The Roman Roads of Suffolk - a Lidar Reappraisal

DAVE ARMSTRONG,  Gradients of the Roman Roads of Britannia

ROBERT ENTWISTLE, Radial Roads and the Origins of London

1 - 48 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

HOLLY DRINKWATER, RR72a: Further Investigations of the Roman Road at Worston, Lancashire. An Update on the Archaeological Investigations.

STEVE MITCHELL & JOHN POULTER, The Case for a Possible Roman Transport Canal into Leicester

NIGEL ROTHWELL & EDWARD PEVELER, Roman Roads in the Chilterns Region: Observations on a Lidar Based Reassessment

MICHELE MATTEAZZI, Road Building in Roman Times: an Insight from Northern Italy

ELIZABETH LEGGE, The Malhata Fortress on the Roman-Judean Negev Frontier:

Associated with a Roman Road, the Frankincense Trail and a Princely Fugitive

49 - 72 72ATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

73 - 98 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

99 - 104 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

105 - 144 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

145 - 166 106RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

MATT SPARKES, The Roman Road through Croydon


167 - 194 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal


195 - 220 218RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal


221 - 224 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal

Roman Roads in 2022- recent research and fieldwork on Roman roads  in Britain

Roman roads

DAVE ARMSTRONG & MIKE HOLMES, Newly Allocated Margary Road Numbers

225 - 302 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal


303 - 304 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal


INDIVIDUAL ARTICLES including frontmatter

Volume III, 2023

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CHRISTOPHER HADLEY, The Road, a story of Romans and Ways to the Past. (By Carlton Reid, of Forbes online)

305 - 306 RATLEDGE, The Roman Road from Birdoswald to Bewcastle, Cumbria, RR865, A LiDAR Reappraisal



Our archive also holds an extended (unedited) account of the author’s research, containing other supplementary content, available here