“A thousand roads lead men forever to Rome”; Alain de Lille, 1175

All content © Roman Roads Research Association 2016, all rights reserved; unless otherwise stated.

 a charity registered in England & Wales, no  1163854.


University of Portsmouth, Sat. 3rd Sept. to Sun. 4th Sept. 2016

Burn Hall Hotel, York, Sat. 12th Nov. to Sun. 13th Nov. 2016

David Millum has been the Deputy Director of the Culver Archaeological Project since 2011 having supervised excavations for CAP from 2007 and at Barcombe bathhouse from 2010 to 2012. As a part-time mature student he graduated with an MA in Field Archaeology at Sussex University in 2010 and was an Associate Tutor with the department prior to its closure in 2012. He admits to being very Sussex Ouse valley centric with his main work in recent years being almost exclusively with CAP on the Roman roads in the Barcombe/Ringmer area and the newly discovered Romano-British settlement at Bridge Farm, Wellingham; an exciting discovery of potentially regional importance. He regularly reports on the Bridge Farm results in Sussex Past & Present as well as providing papers for the Sussex Archaeological Collections and has recently contributed the medieval chapter for the Upper Ouse in the newly published Archaeology of the Ouse Valley, Sussex to AD 1500.

Roman roads and settlement at Bridge & Culver Farms, near Lewes, East Sussex; or what did Ivan Margary do for me?

Some thoughts from the North

Pete Wilson was formerly Head of Roman Research for (the then) English Heritage and is now an Independent Consultant. Having completed a PhD on the Roman period in North Yorkshire his research interests are primarily focused on the ‘Roman North’. He has published widely and is a regular contributor to the triennial International Roman Frontiers (Limes) Congress and is Fellow of both the Society of Antiquaries of London and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Lecture Summary

11.35 am

David Millum

Dr. Pete Wilson

12.10 pm

David Staveley


University of Portsmouth, Eldon Building, Winston Churchill Ave. PO1 2DJ

Silchester and the development of the early Roman road network

Prof. Mike Fulford

11.00 am

10.00 am

The RRRA Online Database and Archive - A critical resource for research

Mike Turpin

2.50 pm

Revisiting Margary's network in Sussex

Dr. David Rudling

9.40 am

Ivan D Margary and his contributions to archaeology

Prof. Anthony King

David Staveley

2.15 pm

Geophysics in Roads Research


Roads and the Roman Landscape

8.30 am

Enrolment, coffee and networking



10.35 am




12.45 pm




12.55 pm


Bryn Gethin

1.40 pm

LiDAR - The game changer



3.25 pm


Margary numbers - 60 years on, what issues need to be addressed?

Mike Haken

4.25 pm

Dr. Mike Bishop

Medieval Progresses, Military Campaigns, and the Roman Road Network

Mike studied Architecture at Magdalene College Cambridge and the University of Sheffield although his interest in painting resulted in a career as an equestrian artist in North Yorkshire. Now semi-retired, he devotes much of his time to his life-long interest in Roman roads, with particular emphasis on the strategic planning of the early network in the north of England. He is the founder and chairman of the Roman Roads Research Association and is passionate about bringing together the public, commercial and volunteer sectors of archaeology to build a unified data resource for the Roman period in Britain, crucially one that is made freely available to the public.

4.50 pm


3.50 pm

Group 1. What are the key questions about Roman roads that remain to be answered?

Group 2. The RRRA database

Group 3. Margary Numbering – the Road forward to meet future needs (led by Mike Haken)

6.00 pm

Main Hall, Discussion Group Leaders report back to Conference

6.15 pm

Close - End of Day 1.

6.00 pm

OPTIONAL - Margary Memorial Dinner

Dr Mike Bishop is a freelance writer, publisher, and archaeologist who specialises in the study of the Roman army. He has excavated within the Roman forts at Chester-le-Street, Newton-on-Trent, and Osmanthorpe, and in the civil settlements outside the forts at Brough-on-Noe, Inveresk, and Roecliffe. He was co-author of the publication reports on the Roman fort and town at Corbridge and the fort at Housesteads (both English Heritage backlog projects) and has catalogued collections of material for English Heritage at Aldborough and at the Hadrian's Wall Museums of Corbridge, Chesters, and Housesteads. He is the founding editor of the Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies and the author of volumes on Roman legionary fortresses and on Roman roads in Britain and is co-author of two editions of a diachronic study of Roman arms and armour. He currently works part-time as an aerial image interpreter for the Endangered Archaeology project at the University of Oxford.

Lecture Summary

David Staveley is a computer programmer by day and in his spare time is an archaeological geophysicist studying Roman roads and roadside settlements in Sussex. He is also the author of Snuffler, freeware geophysics software for earth resistance and magnetometry.

Lecture Summary

David Staveley is a computer programmer by day and in his spare time is an archaeological geophysicist studying Roman roads and roadside settlements in Sussex. He is also the author of Snuffler, freeware geophysics software for earth resistance and magnetometry.

Lecture Summary Map of Venue and Car Parking

The Eldon Building is less than a 10 minute walk from the railway station; ample free car parking behind the venue.

Anthony King has been Professor of Roman Archaeology at the University of Winchester since 1997. He has excavated on many Roman sites in Britain, Italy and Gaul, including Hayling Island Iron Age and Romano-Celtic temple, Monte Gelato Roman villa/temple, Meonstoke Roman villa, Dinnington Roman villa and Yarford Roman villa. He is an editor of Hampshire Studies, member of the Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Antiquarum (FERCAN) project, and author of Roman Gaul and Germany (1990), Coins and Samian Ware (2013), and many papers on Roman diet and zooarchaeology. He is also a guide lecturer for Andante Travels, to sites in Gaul, Germany, Italy, Spain and North Africa.

Lecture Summary

David is the Academic Director of the Sussex School of Archaeology, and his current duties include directing the Plumpton Roman Villa Project. Previously David worked for 25 years for the UCL Field Archaeology Unit, before switching to the University of Sussex where he was Senior Lecturer in Archaeology (Continuing Education). David’s research interests include: Roman-period rural settlements and land-use, religion and ritual in Roman Britain, and ancient and medieval coins. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists, a Trustee of the Sussex Archaeological Society and Chairman of the Brighton and Hove Archaeological Society.

Lecture Summary